In the State of Hawaii e-waste from business and government is banned from disposal. Home electronics, on the other hand, can be disposed of with regular household refuse or bulk collection. But, instead of dumping your e-waste why not recycle, reuse or donate them.
For Oahu residents, I listed some options of where you can recycle, donate and trade your old e-waste.
Donate working or not working computers
Hawaiian Hope is a volunteer organization. They refurbish computers and donate them to needy families and veterans. They accept working and not working computers and parts, and even cash donation. All donations are tax deductible. You will get a faster response if you fill out a form and email them here.
Rotary Club of Metropolitan Honolulu has a program called Hawaii computer for kids program. The program currently accepts Core i-series and later Windows computers, Intel-based Macs, networking equipment, working printers connecting with a USB and one working LED monitor with each acceptable computer; other items may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Donation receipts are offered For more information call (808) 521-2259 or email
Goodwill Hawaii accepts household electronics. See their list of acceptable donations here. See a list of Hawaii’s drop off locations here.
Call your local schools, they also accept computer equipment. Working computer and equipment are preferred. They do, occasionally accept not working equipment.
Recycle Programs
Pacific Commercial Services e-waste recycling program offers our customers an easy and confidential way of disposing their electronic and process equipment without endangering the environment. They provide pickup and drop-off services. For more information on their e-waste program visit
T&N Computer Recycling Services recycles Home electronic and business electronics. To see a list of things they recycle visit or call (808) 744-8881
Free Drop off events
For a list of upcoming events visit
Hawaii Business e-waste
Cameron Chemical Corp will accept Electronic recycling and e-waste when they are no longer in use. They can pick-up for a fee. Visit or call 808-695-2999
Manufactures Takeback Program
Apple Stores will only accept Apple devices for recycling. For more information on their free recycle program, visit
Best Buy Trade-in center allows consumers to ship their unwanted electronics free of charge to a e-scrap partner for recycling. They will send you a Best Buy gift card based on the value of your recycled electronics. For more information visit their trade in program or click here.
Target’s mail-in-trade program provides free shipping of your unwanted electronics. Its quite simple: find your device and get an appraisal, ship your device for fee and receive a target gift card. For more information visit
For Oahu residents here are some options available:
- Here is a list of drop off location for recycling your computer available from
For Oahu Business
- Here is a list of Haulers and Recyclers available from Hawaii State Department of Health:
Happy Recycling!!
Great idea, I dont live in Hawaii, but I’m curious to check out what kind of e-waste options my state has for us. Thanks for the interesting article.